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Chiropractic Care

Dr Handly adjusting patients back

Chiropractic Is Different From Medicine

Not superior or inferior, just different. They both have different intentions & different purposes. Medicine’s focus is the diagnosis & treatment of disease & symptoms. Chiropractic is a separate & distinct profession focusing on correcting basic underlying causes of symptoms of dysfunction & dis-ease. That’s a lot to take in, but it is the explanation as to why chiropractic patients report improvement in many body conditions, not just pain & discomfort.

Health & Well-Being Is Normal

If you’re not experiencing optimum health & a sense of wellbeing/ease, something must be interfering with your body’s ability to express it.

Pain & discomfort in your spinal column are common effects of spinal misalignment.  As chiropractors, we look to the spinal column & skull because your central nervous system that controls everything is housed inside your head & spine. Keep in mind your body has an innate intelligence (Life Force) expressing itself thru your nervous system giving life & direction to every cell, tissue, organ & system in your body.

person upset after an auto accident

Stresses Can Overload Your Nervous System

This results in spinal misalignment & other body dysfunctions causing pain & dis-ease. Spinal bones & discs that do not move or align properly negatively affect nerve pathways & brain/body communications & functions.

Examples of Stress:

  • Physical (Trauma:) Slips, Falls, Car/Work Accidents, Improper Work, Sleep, Sports Activities.
  • Chemical (Toxic:) Drugs (legal & illegal), Alcohol, Tobacco, Poor Nutrition, Toxic Environment.
  • Mental (Emotional:) This the most common stress. Fear, Anger, Grief, Anxiety, Depression, Drama, “Stinking Thinking”.

 It is vital for your stress to be eliminated or at a minimum reduced to minimize relapses.

What to Expect At Your Visit

After I have completed my initial consultation & Chiropractic examination & assessment  I will recommend a series of Spinal Adjustments over time to unlock, align & rebalance your skull & spine allowing healthy functions. My care is designed to produce the best results in the shortest amount of time. If visits are too close together, your body may still be processing the previous adjustment. If too far apart, or missed, you’ll lose the momentum needed to allow your nervous system, spinal muscles, ligaments & body functions to align & balance.

On each office visit, I conduct a chiropractic assessment tracking your condition’s subjective & objective progress. If objective findings reveal you are out of adjustment, adjustments will be administered. The average standard follow up office visit is approx. 10 minutes. Keep in mind Adjustments do not treat your pain/symptoms directly. This may surprise you. Chiropractic adjustments focus on restoring spinal alignment & mobility which relieves nerve interference in brain/body communications so your body can function properly & heal, no longer needing to express symptoms of pain, discomfort, dysfunction & dis-ease.


You Control Your Recovery

You decide how you will utilize chiropractic care. Many people receive relief of their symptoms in the initial stage of their care & suspend care until they relapse. Most people stay consistent with their care to gain spinal stability optimizing brain/body communications, minimizing relapses. Then they include chiropractic maintenance care in their health regimen to maintain a healthy pain free functional spine & wellness. How you chose to benefit is always up to you. It is our policy at Handly Chiropractic Clinic to respect your choice in how you utilize our care & be here to help you any time if your problem should return because these sorts of problems often do with life’s stresses.

“I have been under chiropractic care since I was born, & credit it for keeping the quality of my life high & staying younger longer”.  Dr. Rod Handly D.C

 How We’re Different

At Handly Chiropractic Clinic I use a specialized highly effective assessment & pain free adjusting approach with no twisting or popping of the neck and back.

The Activator Method is one of the most widely researched chiropractic techniques. It’s the only instrument adjusting technique with clinical research to support its results.

After making manual adjustments for 40 years, once we received “Advanced Certification” in using the Activator Assessment Protocols & Instrument, I found problems previously missed and produced faster, longer lasting results for patients. It’s also helpful for adjusting ribs, shoulders, extremities, as well as for adjusting young children.

Start Today

Contact us today to book an appointment!

Chiropractic Care | (425) 255-6202