How My Practice Works
Chiropractic Is Different From Medicine. Not superior or inferior, just different. They both have different intentions & different purposes. Medicine’s focus is the diagnosis & treatment of disease & symptoms. Chiropractic is a separate & distinct profession focusing on correcting basic underlying causes of dysfunction & dis-ease. The intent using the term dis-ease is to place emphasis on the natural state of “ease” being imbalanced or disrupted.
Health & Well-Being Is The Natural Expression Of Your Body. So, if you’re not experiencing optimum health & a sense of ease, something must be interfering with your body’s ability to express it. Chiropractic care relies on your body’s natural innate healing mechanisms & capacity.
Different Stresses Can Overload Your Nervous System causing imbalances resulting in spinal misalignment, which can stress your brainstem, spinal cord & nerves altering your brain-body communications & healthy functions. There are 3 types of stress, not limited to:
- Physical (Trauma): Slips, Falls, Car / Work Accidents, Improper Sleeping Positions.
- Chemical (Toxic): Drugs (legal & illegal), Alcohol, Tobacco, Poor Nutrition, Toxic Enviro.
- Mental (Emotional): Fear, Anger, Grief, Anxiety, Depression, Drama, “Stinking Thinking”. (The Most Common)
It is vital in being healthy to recognize & minimize your life’s stresses & beliefs that do not serve you.
I Use Specialized Chiropractic Assessment Protocols to identify spinal misalignment, dysfunctions & nerve interference. X-rays & MRI’s are not always necessary.
Chiropractic Adjustments Do Not Treat Your Symptoms. This may surprise you. Instead, they are precisely targeted to reduce misalignment & neurological interference so your body will no longer need to express symptoms of pain, discomfort, dysfunction & dis-ease.
I use the Activator® assessment protocols & adjusting instrument that was developed to find neuroarticular dysfunctions & dispense gentle & effective adjustments eliminating any twisting, jerking, popping or side effects from manual techniques. Each adjustment unlocks your spine as the inborn intelligence of your body re-establishes healthy spinal alignment, balanced function & healing with time.
You Control Your Recovery. You decide how you will utilize chiropractic care. Some people receive relief of their symptoms in the initial stage of their care & discontinue care until they relapse. Some continue their care gaining spinal stability optimizing brain/body communications, minimizing relapses.
Many people put chiropractic maintenance care in their health care regimen to maintain a healthy functional spine & optimal brain/body communications . How you chose to benefit is always up to you. It is our policy to respect your choice in how you utilize our care & be here to help you again if your problem should return because these sorts of problems often do with life’s stresses.
How We’re Different
At Handly Chiropractic Clinic we use a highly effective specialized adjusting approach with no twisting or popping of the neck and back.
The Activator Method is one of the most widely researched chiropractic techniques. It’s the only instrument adjusting technique with clinical research to support its results.
After making manual adjustments for 40 years, once I received “Advanced Certification” in using the Activator Protocols & Instrument, I found problems previously missed and produced faster, longer lasting results for my patients. It’s also helpful for adjusting ribs, shoulders, extremities, as well as for adjusting young children.
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